Monday, June 29, 2009

Meet the new Grasses!

We decided to expand our family! Here are the newest additions...

The egg layers:

The funny looking ones...

I am not sure of the breeds of the egg layers. I think the lady said one was a Standard Red, the lighter black one is a Silver-tipped or Silver-laced something, and the darker black one was a Brown-speckled you can see I was paying close attention!

The funny looking ones I did pay attention to, primarily because I already had done some research on these ladies. The first one pictured is a Cochin Bantam, Red Frizzle. She will have lots of curly feathers. The second one is a Buff Standard Polish, she will have a large tuft of feathers on top of her head. The last one is a White Cochin Bantam.

Currently these 6 lovely ladies are living in a box. They are too young to be outside. As you can see, most of them don't have their feathers yet, just lots of fuzz and a few feathers. In about a month they will be ready to move out. Some friends are going to help us build a coop in a couple of weeks.

So, if I thought I was going to be at all bored this summer...think again! I've been trying to handle them as often as possible to get them used to us. Today we spent a good amount of time out in the yard. Unfortunately they can't all be out at once - they are quick little things, I have a hard time just catching one of them!


sarah said...

Sooooo cute! I'm jealous - I would love a little chicken coop with funny looking chickens! Maybe next time I'm in town I can swing by and learn all about taking care of chickens? :-)

Unknown said...

hmmmmmmmmmm...........still not convinced!