Sunday, December 20, 2009


This year Funda, a graduate student in Mike's lab, joined us at my parents' house for Thanksgiving. This was her first Thanksgiving eating like a true American (she's from Turkey - how appropriate!!). Funda helped my mom and I prepare many dishes, she made her very first pie crust and apple pie! She was very excited, we took a lot of pictures for her to send home to her family. She was also quite interested in the process of frying the turkey.

We spent the weekend with my parents, playing with their dog and enjoying being out of the city and relaxing! We brought the Wii up and had a lot of fun seeing mom and dad try their best on the balance board and racing on Mario Cart! Unfortunately we didn't get a video of my aunt trying to head soccer balls and avoid cleats and panda heads - she slightly resembled Mama the chicken in one of her frantic phases!! : ) Good times!

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