Saturday, July 12, 2008

UCB Graduation! (May 24)

Dr. Grass...well almost!

Mike will be getting the last of his signatures on his thesis in August - allowing him to walk in UCBerkeley's Department of Chemistry's 2008 graduation ceremony. We will officially be able to call him "Doctor" in December when his completion paperwork is filed.

At the left Mike is standing with his Research Adviser, Professor Somarjai. He had very cool robes that had what appeared to be decorative rabbit fur as the bars on his sash and shoulders.

Here Peggy helps Mike show off his hood. I'm not sure, but I think PW is working on learning the Cal fight song... "Go Bears!"

And I even got a chance to pose with the grad! It still surprises me that four years has passed. All of those long days in lab seem so far away. Next up is a Post-Doc/Fellowship at the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab in conjunction with a university in Korea.

1 comment:

Lucas Palhares said...

bacana seu blog. gostei. parabéns.