Monday, June 14, 2010

The beginning of Eli's 2nd month

Since Mike has gone back to work and I am learning to schedule my days (feed Eli, do laundry, nap, feed Eli, me eat, play with Eli, feed Eli, fold laundry, me shower, get ready to leave the house, feed Eli, leave the house for a walk or errands...and throw in some diaper changing)... not many pictures are being taken. Now that I am more adjusted to this "routine" I'll try to be better about working in more picture time (especially since Mike just got a new portrait lens for the camera!!).

Most remarkable events - he has more control of his arms (this is very subtle!). When we hold him he will actually "hug" us to hold on. I love the extra cuddles! He is also smiling, true smiles, not just gassy ones!! He is especially smiley in the morning - hopefully I'll get some good picts soon! He is also a lot more alert when we go on walks. Sometimes he stays awake for 10 or 15 minutes of our walk (previously he would fall asleep on the first block!). So here are a few pictures from the first half of Eli's second month...

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