Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Meet the Cats

Gus (the black cat) and Surgi (the grey) decided to welcome the little chickies to their new home. The chicks weren't so excited about the cats looming above them - they let out some loud chirps and all huddled in the back corner. After some long curious glances into the box the boys grew bored and left the chicks alone.

The chicks peck and scratch fairly continuously until dark and then they go to bed. Earlier one of the chicks pecked really hard on the side of the box just as Gus was walking by. Gus jumped about 3 feet in the air, sideways away from the box. He looked cautiously at the box...after a few more pecks and scratches he chose to reroute himself through the bedroom to get past the chickens! What a scaredy cat!!

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