Saturday, September 26, 2009

School, school,, work, work...cluck, cluck, cluck

My month and a half off from this old blog is primarily due to the start of school. So I am going to apologize for all my tardy posts of recent and those to come!

I am teaching 80% this year, only 4 classes, but with larger class sizes due to budget cuts I only have about 10 fewer kids! I guess this is better than having 25 more kids though!

I am enjoying another season of coaching volleyball (we just took 2nd at a tournament today!). The girls are a lot of fun, but I'll definitely be glad for November to roll around and the season to be done. I'll be getting home by 2pm!!

Mike started his 2nd year as a Post-doc at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. For the month of September he has been working down at the Sandia National Lab in Livermore - so we've been commuting together!! At the end of October he'll be making another trip to Korea to give some talks and renew all of his paperwork for his funding.

Other Mikey news...he is running again! He finally got his hip rehabilitated and he is as active as ever, even searching out triathalons to sign up for.

Finally, the chickens! They are getting big and fat - and will be laying eggs soon...hopefully!! Caleb and Andy, we are trying to get a good video of them using their ladder - the only problem is that they only use it at night to go up to their brooding house, so all our videos are coming out too dark. We'll let you know if we get it though!

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