Monday, February 14, 2011

Angel Island

Ever since Mike accepted his new job in Bend we have been scrambling to do all the Bay Area adventures we have been postponing! Our bucket list includes a lot of food related excursions. But at the very top of our list was visiting Angel Island. The history of the island is very diverse: from an Indian hunting and fishing ground to a cattle ranch to a US Army outpost to an entry port for immigrants to a holding area for POWs during WWII...! Now it is a State Park.

We strolled the 5 mile road around the island, capturing 360-degree views of the bay. We arrived in the fog, but in a matter of minutes the sun was shining and the fog was retreating through the Golden Gate Bridge. An absolutely gorgeous day!! Here are some pictures:

1 comment:

Carol said...

What great pictures ... it'll be hard to leave behind your friends.