Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Christmas #2 & 3

After we got back from Argentina Eli had two more gifts arrive in the mail. The first was from Grandma Carol and Grandpa Gene...he LOVES his new table!! He very quickly learned that it wasn't just to stand at...

Then, about a week later Eli received another package in the mail!! His first Christmas ornament from Grandma Carol...and his first dog! Hopefully soon he'll have a real one :-) And his only gift that was actually wrapped in Christmas paper, from Paul, Anna, Caleb, Andy and Jakey. If it wasn't so annoying, I would have included the series of pictures of him opening his gift - each tear proceeded by eating the paper!

Eli has a lot of fun with his new bath toys. He carries the alligator around with him outside of the tub and Michael enjoys squirting him with the fish and octopus inside the tub. Always lots of laughs at bath-time!!!

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